Faculty of Law Publications 2023
May 2, 2024
Book Launch – The D-Word: Perspectives on Democracy and Tumultuous Times
May 6, 2024
African Society for Business, Law and Economics – Call for Book Chapters
Call for Book Chapters!
Are you a passionate scholar or researcher looking to contribute your insights to an upcoming book? We’re excited to announce a call for book chapters titled ‘The Handbook on Interdisciplinary South African Competition Law: Comparative African Perspectives’ and another titled ‘The Practical Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area’s Protocols: Business, Law and Economic Perspectives’. Both projects are conducted by the African Society for Business, Law and Economics whose aim is to disseminate information in these areas.
Call Details:
Book 1
Title: The Handbook on Interdisciplinary South African Competition Law: Comparative African Perspectives
Editors: Dr T Kondo (UWC), Mr S Tavuyanago (UFS), Prof A van Coller (UFH), Dr P Ndlovu (UWC) and Prof C Vinti (WITS).
Theme: Multi-focus issues on competition law in South Africa
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 May 2024
Book 2
Title: The Practical Implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area’s Protocols: Business, Law and Economic Perspectives
Editors: Dr T Kondo (UWC), Mr S Tavuyanago (UFS), Prof C Vinti (WITS), Dr T Ngobeni (UP), Dr D Basimanyane (UP) and Dr Jimcall Pfumorodze (University of Botswana).
Theme: The AfCFTA
Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 May 2024
Submission Guidelines:
- Chapter proposals should be between 250 to 500 words.
- Please submit a brief abstract outlining your proposed chapter. It must contain the aim of the chapter, the gap in the current literature that the chapter seeks to fulfil, the approach of the chapter, and what the chapter seeks to illuminate as an outcome. Authors will be notified by 15 June 2024 about the status of their proposals and be sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by 30 August 2024, after which the chapters will undergo a double-blind peer review.
- Contributions must be original and not under consideration elsewhere.
Why Contribute?
- Opportunity to showcase your expertise in the field.
- Connect with fellow scholars and expand your network.
- Contribute to the advancement of knowledge
- [29 April 2024]: Call for chapters opens.
- [30 May 2024]: Deadline for chapter proposals.
- [15 June 2024]: Notification of accepted proposals.
- [30 August 2024]: Deadline for full chapter submission.
How to Submit:
- Send your chapter proposals to afrisocconference@gmail.com. The abstract should contain the title of the paper, the name of the author, position and institution of the author, their ORCID ID, and the content of the abstract itself. The body of the email should clearly denote that the submission is being made specifically for this particular project. For any questions in relation to this book project, please contact Dr. Tinashe Kondo (tkondo@uwc.ac.za) or Mr Simbarashe Tavuyanago (tavuyanagos@ufs.ac.za).
- For more details, visit https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d2tvaaZXHPnHDqprBX9chAS-dmDBpbFV?usp=drive_link
- If you are also interested in attending our Annual Conference or Colloquium, kindly find also the attached https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16WXfWS7vrhH9YgShfVxMjyBwAIB5Agxr?usp=sharing