Inaugural Symposium of the Centre for Legal Integration in Africa on ‘The Future of Legal Orders in Africa’
October 1, 2021
Africa, International Criminal Justice and Accountability for Colonial Crimes
The African Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice (ACTCJ) will be hosting a webinar title 'Africa, International Criminal Justice and Accountability for Colonial Crimes'.
21 September 2021 (9am – 1pm BST) / (10am – 2pm SAST)
22 September (9am – 12:45pm BST) / (10am – 1:45pm SAST)
Theme: Accountability for atrocities committed across Africa during wars of colonial conquests and colonial administrations remain major blind spots of international criminal justice and international law.
From the Herero and Nama Genocides in South-West Africa (now Namibia) to Massacres in Benin Kingdom (now in modern day Southern Nigeria), the history of colonialism in Africa is replete with mass atrocities. Some of these conducts were perpetrated in the 19th and 20th centuries at a time some of the acts already constituted crimes under customary international law. There is little doubt that many would qualify as genocides, war crimes and crimes against humanity today. This area, though under-researched, remains of utmost importance to African states, to their struggle for justice for colonial atrocities and their relationship with international actors.
Organisers: Dr Eki Yemisi Omorogbe, ILPAN/University of Leicester, England and Dr John-Mark Iyi, ACTCJ/ University of the Western Cape, South Africa
If you would like to attend, please email eyo1@le.ac.uk
Kindly refer to the flyer for more information.